The Girl. Read online

Page 2

  “Sure maw”, now pulling homemade cornbread out of the oven she said, “I just put another log to the fire.”

  With almost a frost bitten face shivered, “Sounds real good maw”, taking off all his outer clothing then hung his coat up in the laundry room off the kitchen.

  Hurried to the living room, all you could notice was his long golden curls flying back, and also wore a flannel shirt with baggy blue jeans.

  Immediately, went right by the big potbelly stove standing in front of it rubbing his hands together when his younger brother Seth asked, “Hey kill anything mighty hunters?” “Man Saul caught a big one”.

  “Really!” Seth remarked thrilled with such a big smile.

  Laughs out, “Yep will be eating squirrel for months”.

  Seth just giggled at his brother who was now warming up?

  The kitchen sound loud and the rest of the family comes inside wearing heavy coats bundled very warmly.

  There was an older man that appear to be in his late fifties or even sixty-years of age, he had a long braid of grayish hair going down his back and had a gray beard too. Reached into a pocket of his blue jean overcoat pulling a pouch of chewing tobacco out. “Brenda our boy Saul here, caught a buck on his first shot, makes the third year in a row”, he

  chuckle’s out gleefully.

  Smiling so proud and the two boys stood grinning taking off their heavy clothing and seem to be around seventeen or eighteen-years of age, both of them.

  One shook his long wavy blonde hair and fluffed his short light bangs.

  The other boy with real dark hair, black actually, that was cut short with just a thin layer of bangs stood shivering in a damp flannel shirt and his blue jeans are all wet at the bottom. Looking at them frozen practically, “Boys go warm up dinner is almost on”, said Brenda rushing by the stove.

  “Okay maw”, rolling their blue and brown eyes, which you could make out.

  Therefore, headed into the living room going right next to Sebastian their younger brother by the big black stove, that was blazing and the three of them are warming up now. “Hey Saul”.

  “What Seth?” Eye rolling.

  “Sebastian told me you got a squirrel”. Laughing with Seth shaking his mop of curls and Saul gave such a cocky tone replying, “Sure, little brother think what you want”.

  Seth looked back into the magazine mumbling, “Tough guy, you think”. Saul nudged his two brothers standing next to him, and grinning added, “Little buddy, I caught the biggest deer in the woods”.

  His two other brothers are laughing, as the third was annoyed, “Smart aleck like always trying to be toughest”, said Seth glancing at the magazine. Grinning still Saul remarked, “Maybe I would have caught the squirrel with my bare hands”. Seth’s three brothers cracked up laughing giving each other a high five and he waved his hand at them saying, “Ha-ha, real funny y’all”.

  Keeping it going, Saul said, “Hey little brother don’t be sore at us”, making a pouting expression. Seth was really eye rolling at Saul that remarked, “We are more experienced, better watch learning from the best which we are”.

  The three boys by the heater are smirking and cracking their knuckles with Seth looking at his brothers with a bigger smirk on his face.

  Nodding his mop of light golden curls, Sebastian give a smug tone saying, “He is right Seth, so just wipe the smirk off your face or I will”.

  The only boy with short black hair, jumped in saying, “Little buddy if you hang with us you’ll be one little buck a near”.

  Saul gave him a high five and said, “Hey good one Shane”.

  Laughing at their youngest brother Seth hard even pushing one another cracking up.

  Seth still shook his head mumbling, “All smarty pants”.

  He did give a little smile though at his three older brothers that he did look up to and loved to mess with also.

  Mischievous grin and suddenly threw sofa pillows at them, they yelled, “Get him!” Jumping onto Seth, as he screamed, “Hey y’all”, “Stop”,

  “Owe!” Roughing him up saying, “Come on baby brother get tough”. The boys are laughing heavily still on top of Seth just smacking him, as he was now buried underneath them?

  Squealing, “Stop, because I know y’all is toughest”.

  “Hey, okay don’t hurt me”.

  In the kitchen.

  “Good grief, there go the roughnecks like always hitting on Seth hurting that boy”, said Brenda putting dinner on the table.

  “Oh maw their teaching him is all”. Shaking her head at her husband that sat down by the table.

  Holding a dish sarcastically replied, “About what Paul Gene getting broken bones, you know how I feel about fighting”. She gave him a serious look in tears.

  “Our boy is learning to become a young man with strength is all”. Brenda now rolled her dark brown eyes waving her hand.

  “Seth will need courage to survive in the world someday”.

  Annoyed, “Sure you’re so right Paul Gene, replied Brenda. “I am always right maw”, as he was fussing with his watch.

  Brenda huffed and puffed like an angry wolf.

  In addition, thought that old man is full of his bull and knee deep.

  “If you’re so right, how come every time they goof around, one of them ends up with a black


  Shaking his watch Paul Gene grinned, as she added, “You know Paul Gene that is not the way of

  doing things”.

  Paul Gene shook his head at Brenda setting the final plates down onto the table.

  “Not working”.

  Paul Gene messing with his wristwatch added, “Sugar it truly is right, because our little one will

  grow up to be the strongest out of the boys”.

  Very disgusted, Brenda got the rest of dinner onto the table.

  Paul Gene smiled looking at them four in the living room where they were actually boxing one


  Including little Seth, who in no doubt packed a mean punch and Paul Gene gave another grin. Knowing he brought them up right with much courage and very strong willed boys. Standing by the kitchen table, Brenda said, “Sounds like their getting carried away in there paw”.

  Glanced into the living room, chuckles filling his mouth with chewing tobacco, noticing his boys boxing a bit rougher and very seriously.

  Going over by the stove Brenda was still mumbling under her breath.

  Turning away now, looked at her husband disgusted and said, “Paul Gene, I just bought that lamp after the other three they broke with their goofing around being real men”. Filling his mouth full again of chewing tobacco and hollered. “Enough boys, stop now!”

  The living room got silent and Brenda winked at her husband, they sure listened to him and only had to tell them once.

  Instantly, they froze in their tracks like a statue, Paul Gene grins, as he looked back in the other room where they are all sitting now, as Seth was holding his jaw.

  Shook his head looking onto his youngest that sure got roughed up by his brothers. “Yep maw will be eating deer the rest of this winter”, said Paul Gene looking at his wristwatch.

  “Yeah I shucked most of the left over corn all morning, even got Seth to helping me.”

  “Good job maw”, he grinned.

  “Yes paw, your boys are good at everything they do, you taught them right about most things”.

  Becoming aggravated over his watch not working, as she added briefly, “Fights, no”. Still fiddling with his watch mumbling, “All be darn it’s broken”.

  “Hey next time maybe Seth can go hunting with y’all”, pulling the dinner out of the oven. “Oh no sugar not that soon, heck he is only turning twelve”. Brenda smiled setting the big bowl of salad down and Paul Gene added, “Aw the boy could shoot himself or his brother”. She mumbled, “Oh lord, Seth can’t go”, getting the final dinner preparations, then yelled, “SOUPS ON!”

  Running into the kitchen sitting down fas
t with such a smirk on his face, as Seth must have paid them back over roughing him up, when the three of them come into the kitchen fast and before sitting down.

  Each boy gently smacked Seth in the back of his head, he said, “Owe!”

  Grabbing his head making a mean face at his brothers, “Paw ouch they hit me”. “Aw Seth boy you can take it, remember what have I always told y’all about pain”. Setting the dish with cornbread down onto the table, Brenda was mumbling, “His bull never ends, he is knee deep going to drown”.

  Paul Gene looked at his four boys and remarked, “Pain you can take it, because one day y’all may have no other choice”. Paul Gene giggled looking at his one boy with a busted lip and was silent taking his pain. Seth mumbled, “Take pain like paw always says”.

  Gave a mischievous smile and asked, “Hey Shane you can take pain right?”

  They all chuckle except Brenda looking at her boy with his head down and then rose up snarling out, “Little brother how’d you like to take this outside?” I’ll show you about taking pain”. Seth took a deep gulp and proceeded to eat.

  Spreading butter onto her bread, Brenda shook her head and said, “Enough boys!” It is dinner time, use your manners please”.

  “I’m gonna beat the heck out of him”, mumbled Shane.

  Brenda heard her one boys comment and slammed the tub of butter hard onto the table. Paul Gene quietly mumbled, “Woo-wee maws mad”.

  The boys rolled their eyes, well the ones you could notice, as they mumbled, “Uh oh.” Furiously, “Can y’all ever just stop the fights”, said Brenda cutting up her slice of meatloaf. Pouring gravy on his meat Paul Gene remained silent, as he knew how bad Brenda hated even the word fight.

  “Sorry maw”, reaching for ketchup.

  “Okay boy, just behave mostly at dinner”.


  Paul Gene winked at his boys as they all grinned and ate dinner.

  Since they knew, it must have been hard to be the only woman in the house amongst all the fellows.

  In addition, their maw above all hated fights and the word made her cringe for some reason.

  She has been secret though as to why she hates fighting terribly, and Brenda definitely holds a hidden family secret?

  She knew her boys love to be rough and were pure country boys. The whole family was sitting eating and Seth asked, “Paw”. “Yes boy?”

  “Can I go hunt with my brothers?” All smirking.

  Paul Gene looked at Brenda who rose her black eyebrows and replied, “Well Seth soon your frontier days will come”.

  “Okay paw”.

  Eating his dinner along with the rest of the family, as his one brother Shane every now and then gave him a mean look.

  Frantic, Seth took a deep gulp again and nearly choked on his bite of food, as he hurried for his glass of water.

  They were all quiet now, as they ate the phone rings, Brenda went to answer it, “WHAT!” Everyone looked on and Brenda said, “Paul Gene here the phone”, and reached it out to him. Therefore, he got up to get the phone and holding the receiver out to him nervously she said, “It’s your brother Danny Ray in Tennessee”.

  Paul Gene took the receiver, as she added, “He is real upset, and sounds urgent?” The boys all looked on and still ate though, as everyone listened.

  “Yes Danny Ray?”

  “Aw that’s a shame”. The boys were all listening to their paw along with Brenda. “Heck just give me and my family some time here”.

  “Yep Danny Ray the boys are in school, but guess will have to transfer”.

  Paul Gene hung his head and added, “Yeah basic training he started first”.

  Brenda and the boys all give a frown now and Paul Gene said, “No Danny Ray, we have not heard a word in a few months, shoot I’m worried”. Brenda had tears hanging her head, as her husband talked.

  “Yep he just graduated this past summer”.

  Giving a surprised look, Paul Gene said, “Okay see you soon about a week”. “Bye Danny Ray”, as Paul Gene hung up the phone just standing there a moment. He seem very upset hanging his head and noticing Brenda asked, “Paul Gene what’s wrong?” He comes back to the table frowning sat down and said, “Well you know that was my brother Danny Ray”.

  “Well of course I know who that was.”

  Paul Gene sadly said, “Seems my paw Andrew took a turn for the worst.”

  The boys all gave a sad expression, as Brenda said, “Oh that’s terrible dear”.

  Paul Gene wiping tears from his eyes added, “My three brothers are heading to Dallas with our paw”.

  Brenda was speechless, as Paul Gene said, “My paws being taken to a hospital and also concerned about the family bar?”

  “BAR!” Blurted out Seth excitedly, the other three boys looked really rolling their eyes. With her eyebrows high Brenda asked, “What’s the problem does he want you to go to Dallas?” Giving her a puzzled look he said, “Run the bar sugar”, then looked at his boys, knowing this was going to be rough.

  Especially with them four, as fighting was definitely in each of them Paul Gene was glad that he taught them all to be strong.

  In all honesty, his boys are very good and packed mean punches.

  The Wiley boys were the best actually around those southern hills and had a reputation of fight a Wiley it is your loss.

  They can hold their own, protect themselves through any situation, and never give up, whether their winning or losing and other boys do not really mess with a Wiley.

  Since them four stubborn country boys keep going rounds and it is a losing battle. Paul Gene was firm about them watching each other and always, because Paul Gene many years back had lost four of his brothers tragically.

  Brenda really shook her head and said, “Oh no, we just can’t, Paul Gene not in a bar”. “My family needs me”.

  Scowl raising her voice now, “That’s asking for trouble Paul Gene you know that with our boys”. He was quiet along with the boys who were, mumbling, “Wow”, a bar that is wild”, and Brenda

  carried on saying, “Oh Paul Gene never can we do this”.

  Eating their homemade sweet potato pie staying silent and their maw was not though, “Y’all know how I hate fights”, doleful expression, holding a heart shaped locket around her neck. Paul Gene said, “Sugar I have to, this is my family, you know the family rule?” “Yes I do, but we are in Kentucky, you want us all to pack up and head off to Tennessee”. Rose her hand up and yelled, “This is bull Paul Gene, our life has been good here”. “Sorry Brenda we must move”.

  The boys hung their heads and did some major eye rolling.

  Waving her hand up in the air and carrying on Brenda said, “Saul’s starting a job, Sebastian is on the basketball team doing well”.

  “Shane in his auto tech then Seth loves school finally after such a rocky start”. Brenda was very upset pacing around the kitchen and everyone had stopped eating at this point looking at Brenda who kept yelling.


  Rushing by the back door staring out in tears, as the boys remain silent picking at their pie that was a first.

  “Maw get ready to pack, because this discussion is over and my rules are never broken”. She put her hand up and was silent staring out the door, Paul Gene added, “Seth boy pass the pie”.

  Highly upset, Brenda stood by the back door in tears rolling down her face sadly looking outside towards the barn where the chickens and roosters are running around. Glanced at two horses in the pen, playing with the falling snow and the cows were inside the barn for it was bitter cold.

  Sobbing saying to herself, “Our farm and life is here not Tennessee in some bar”. “That’s a wild life especially for our sons”.

  Brenda looking out the back door thought, the problems would just begin they will definitely not stop their fighting now.

  Held that pretty locket around her neck gripping it very tightly, Paul Gene said, “Come on darling your dinners getting cold”. “Lo
st my appetite”, when he looked at his boys giving a wink and said, “Maw will be fine boys”. That all thought Tennessee too and will not like it either.

  The phone rings again and Paul Gene said, “Seth you go get it for me”, as he got up. “Oh Sebastian, it’s your lover girl”, said Seth laughing and holding the receiver. Sebastian got up answering it and pushed Seth saying, “Go sit down brat”. Giggling harder and making faces blowing kisses at Sebastian then went sitting down by the dinner table.

  When Seth did, Shane whispered to him, “Little brother he may not have got you, but I am going to finish the job”.

  With his eyes huge behind his curls, Seth shrugged mumbling,

  “Yikes, I’m in trouble, better take pain like paw has always told us”.

  Brenda stood quietly staring out the door and at this point was heartbroken, as she liked all her boy’s girlfriends.

  Except youngest Seth, that was not interested in the opposite sex yet.

  “These girls here are sweet and city girls are wild not alone their fast”, mumbled Brenda. Paul Gene got up from the table walking over by Brenda standing in the doorway staring outside in tears.

  Turning around looking at her husband Brenda said, “What, you want me to be happy about leaving our life that’s been good.”

  “Come on maw it will be fine”, as he patted her back.

  Looking sad with tears flowing again, she said, “Well Paul Gene, I’m not going to be happy about a wild life for our boys”.

  “Sugar our life is together, it will be fine, and we are Wiley’s, the word strong”. Brenda turned around looking at her and Paul Gene’s four sons. Raising her jet-black eyebrows high pointing at him, she said, “Okay Paul Gene, your way and hope it’s the right way”.

  “Thanks sugar, it will be”.

  Then they both went to finish eating their dessert with their sons, that was still quiet and smirk, as they ate. Paul Gene sitting by the dinner table said, “Boys get finished, gear back up warmly, because animals need fed”.

  “Sure paw don’t we always”, replied the boys cross and pointing across the table grinning he said, “Watch it boys”. The boys gave a smile, as he did and they all had a journey ahead of them, Tennessee in a bar.

  Picking at her pie looking at the boys, Brenda quivered about that part of it, knowing bar brawls are sure coming, as she ate in tears.